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Gut Heaven

Ultimate Cleansing & IBS Collection

Ultimate Cleansing & IBS Collection

Regular price £136.60
Regular price Sale price £136.60
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Designed for the IBS, bloated and constipated person who is not getting anywhere fast!

As colonic therapists we have seens thousands of people with similar symptoms and, although you're all individuals, we've found that there are some things that seem to help for a lot of you - so we've packaged them up for you to do at home.

Now we know that the thought of doing home enema's might not be your idea of a good night in but - TRUST US - once you've got that feeling of feeling emptier and are able to 'go' again you'll start to like it! It's simple, quick, discrete and much cheaper than colonics. We might be shooting ourselves in the foot as far as our clients are concerned but we want to help as many of you as possible and we can't see you all in clinic!

Why enema's?

Well.....if you're on this site there's a good chance that you're not going to the loo enough and if that's the case there's probably a backlog of rubbish waiting to come out. Enema's are a great way of gently softening poo from the exit end to help it come out.

We know people use laxatives but if there's hardened poo in your bottom very often the laxatives won't work as they're not strong enough to dissolve a hard 'plug'. Which is where the enema's come in.

If you are having colonics and don't want to do home enema's you can buy the products individually without the enema bag.

The package includes

the home enema kit
the implant bulb
coffee enemas
turmeric tea
friendly bacteria capsules
digestive enzyme capsules
diatomaceous earth powder (human grade CODEX)
magnesium capsules

You'll have plenty of everything to follow our 30 day plan (all information is in the group), you'll still have some left over if needed, and you can keep using the enema bag and bulb and top up with individual products if you need to in the future.


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